How to have more HAPPINESS in Life
“The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can’t be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.” Elbert Hubbard
“In my experience, there’s no secret to accomplishing almost any goal worth pursuing.” Lauren Graham
My answer to last week's question: What are you laser focused on accomplishing in life?
- creating a lifestyle of freedom
- continuing to grow my personal brand
- impacting people through my coaching/consulting biz
- developing at least 5 sources of income
- financial independence
Main topic:
How to have MORE happiness in life.
9 tips:
1. Wake Up with a Purpose for the Day
Start the day before you leave bed by focusing on the good things you are
about to achieve. An excellent practice to implement is to think that you “get”
to go to work, not “have” to. The simple change can be monumental for your
2. Make Your Bed
When you make your bed first thing in the morning, you set the course for the
rest of your day. This task takes about three minutes, but it signals that you
can keep the momentum up and accomplish much more. You'll also be much
happier when it is finally time to go to bed, and it is tidy and ready for you.
3. Declutter Your Home
A little declutter can be very cathartic and put a smile on your face when you
are done. Stacks of books, papers, and even dirty dishes send messages to
your gloomy psyche and raise stress levels. Taking 15 minutes to declutter
your table, kitchen counter, or desk will bring a quick smile.
4. Display Sentimental Items
Some items bring back fond memories of family and friends. Why not put
them on display to remind yourself of some good times? It can be the cheesy
bobblehead from a trip to see the world’s most giant ball of yarn, but every
time you see it, you remember your laughs during that trip.
5. Take a Walk in Nature
Mother Nature has much to offer, including bringing you a ray of happiness.
Grab your walking shoes and get outside when you feel the blues coming. Your
mind and body will enjoy the fresh air from the outdoors.
6. Make Exercise a Daily Activity
We were made for movement. When you exercise, you give your muscles and
brain what they need to keep you healthy. The hormones you release during
exercise will lower stress and help make you happier.
7. Get More Sleep
Poor sleep can lead to a poor attitude. Why not take a chance on science and
make your sleep a priority. You may need to go to bed earlier, but your body
and mind will reward you the next day. You will feel more calm and capable of
carrying out your daily tasks.
8. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
People often show only their best selves on social media. Looking at those
false impressions will leave you feeling discontented. Taking a technology fast
is one way to keep from comparing yourself to others. Instead, you can focus
on building relationships that bring lasting happiness.
9. Have a Weekly Family (Or Friends) Dinner
Engaging with your family (or friends) keeps the relationships strong. Having a
weekly dinner provides the opportunity for laughter and good times. You don’t
have to make it elaborate, just welcoming.
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