Loving the little things through the big storms of life - Lexi Miller
Lexi says:
By focusing our attention on what nurtures and sustains us in life. On everything that brings you even the smallest amount of pleasure. It also means practicing gratitude by noticing these everyday things that you take for granted so easily. And it makes the storm small and easier to find your way out.
I have had my share of big storms that just seemed to come in waves. And it felt like I was being dragged out to sea further and further. And when I would find something as small as a verse or a smile from a strange. I was able to find my way back. I’ve have a lot of trauma and abuse that would happened repeatedly and it wasn’t until it got bad one time to the point where my counselor said, “ Lexi you have to choose Life or death.” And find the little things to keep going. That I final was able to see some of the good life could offer.
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